Il Piccolo Inizia A Piangere Ma Tenete Gli Occhi Sulla Bocca Del Cane

Ila   2016-06-29

Views 3

Its just a different process. Filter coffee is hot water dripped though ground coffee. Espresso is hot water forced through under pressure, and is a low-volume, intense solution. American is then espresso diluted in hot water.

I guess the amount of oils coming out of the coffee is different in each process.
[] How can they not see that looking at pics of child porn is just as bad as molesting a child? These are children who are being molested and someone has taken photos and shared them.
[] High school girls
[] Yes it is,

Zones afected by the FARC:
Voting results:
[] I just want to know where I can get some whiskey. Is it in that secret tree place? Where is that secret tree place? Do I need a password or something?
[] Peeing at 5 am after drinking 2L water before bed, fuck me it's good.
[] Crash Bandicoot when your running away from the giant boulder, as a 8 year old that shit was intense.
[] My mom works at a grocery store and brought me in as an infant to show me off to her coworker friends. I was adopted from Korea and was probably about 5 months old at the time.

A customer came up and stated/asked, "wow, she must be super smart. Can she speak English and chinese? Or just chinese still?"

My mother's response: "She's a baby; she doesn't speak anything."

Customer: "that's a shame. they should teach them English so they can start talking to you right away."
[] I think it should, but a lot of people seem intent on skipping it.
[] That's the one. My English teacher maintained that you absolutely needed 3 body paragraphs too. So many drawn out essays as a result
[] whens the interview?
[] you ok bud?
[] Mind explaining what you are on about?
[] most people who get rich from the lottery very rapidly become unrich from the lottery. And money brings its own problems. Bad investments is just one of them. People coming to you for handouts is another. Never being able to know what someone actually thinks of you. And not knowing when one of the scams is going to get through and get you. And then of course, being scammed and losing a ton of your money. Then paying lawyers and going through 6 years of bills and agony only to recover 10 cents on the dollar at the end of it. Living with the twisted feeling in your gut for decades about the bad decision you made to trust the wrong people, and the bald faced lies they will tell under oath to keep the money they stole from you.

Money is nice because it basically erases one entire class of problems. People without it are not familiar with the class of problems it introduces though and so think that it is all gravy. And it is surely not.
[] When does the next one leave?
[] Are you familiar with the people involved in the making of this movie? Probably some of the most talented people in the industry.
[] Then he bails out screaming PROMOOOOOTED
[] They might view you as a pay check of some sort if you get a lot of money, or try to use you in another way, but they probably wont just physically assault you.
[] I would give her some really sour sauce.
[] Not any lesbian that I know or are, haha. I'd rather have a woman, decreases awkwardness ten fold.
[] Buzzfeed? F-ck off!
[] (Just in case you thought some stranger on the internet was actually questioning your caretaking prowess, I was really just referencing a joke by Demetri Martin.)
[] Dicks out for Rudolf Hitler
[] If you think they were sellout fucks before you got the album, why would you buy it?

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