Camaras De Seguridad Captan Ataque Armado En Barrio Las Palmas

Ila   2016-06-28

Views 10

Ugh! Idiot! *hangs up phone*
[] bullshit
[] coming soon: Freedom .
[] Non-rhotic accents (those where final "r" is not pronounced unless it is before a vowel, as "carrot") have a phenomenon known as "linking r": the pronouncing of final "r" before a vowel sound in the next word.

Example: "Your mother is here". In non-rhotic accents, "your" is pronounced without its final "r" because the next word begins with a consonant sound; "here" is also pronounced without its final "r", because it is the end of the utterance, and "mother" is pronounced with its final "r" because the next word begins with a vowel sound. So the pronunciation is, approximately, "Yaw mutha riz hia".

Linking "r" can extend to "intrusive r", where "r"s are added to words ending in vowels when there is a vowel in the next word. So "President Obama" is pronounced correctly at the end of an utterance ("This is President Obama.") or when the next word begins with a consonant sound ("President Obama ha two daughters") but can have an "r" added when the following word begins with a vowel ("President Obamer is in talks with the British Prime Minister.")
[] friends dont forget to up vote
[] does the peanut brownie contain any nuts??
[] unfortunately yes
[] This is the internet. You arent just conversing with a computer, theres a real person on the other end. Dont be an asshole.
[] Comedy promos almost never give me any other reaction but eye rolls at lame jokes...but this made me smile! I'll be looking out for it next week. Good luck!
[] I had a Windows 8 HTC phone. Only phone I ever had that I hated.
[] Just because something's aired internationally doesn't mean they're going to pander to every nation's preferences. They are made by a UK funded company, of course they'd be British.
[] He was regarded to have possibly had a few homosexual relationships.
[] I'm assuming the Sirloin, you sick fuck.
[] Work in dietary supplement industry. Got inspected for cGMP, then a week later the FDA showed up for a week for unrelated inspection. Was a tense month. Bluh.
[] Serj is getting old, he can't keep those same vocals forever :(
[] Fucking foreigners, not coming over here and still stealing our jobs.
[] I worked in collections for charged-off cards for years. The amount of stupid is just baffling. Nobody has any amount of accountability, everyone is a victim, and even though they haven't paid their bill for literal years, we -- the original creditors -- are somehow trying to scam them when we're willing to accept 50% settlements.

The other favorite facet is when people who have ten, fifteen, twenty thousand in credit card debt call to make a payment arrangement and offer $50 a month and then scream, "WHY WON'T YOU WORK WITH ME?!?!?!?" when we politely tell them they need to pay more a month.

Warning to anyone who thinks I'm the bad guy: DO NOT have credit card debt.
[] motherf... I just got weird looks in the library.

Why is this so fucking funny to me?!
[] Weird thing here, don't really know if it pertains to the conversation, but one of my co-workers also works as a correctional officer and he was telling me about how inmates can do things like rent iPads and use text messaging services that are monitored. There's a few more details than that but that's the only thing I can remember well enough to know I'm not spewing BS.
[] Programming. Learned C++ when I was 14; It was really life changing for me(23) so I wonder how would I be now if I started to learn it earlier (and learned python earlier too, not a year ago)
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[] How could they have glossed over self check out of veggies and shit?! C'MON!
[] "A Serbian film". FUCK THAT SHIT!
[] They are the reason I stay.

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