Bas Gaat Drie Jokers Inzetten Voor Veganistisch Eten

Ila   2016-06-28

Views 16

[] Alright, that's my whole existence. I can teach you lots of social psychology tricks (it has to be good for something since it sure isn't good for getting a job) to get you what you want and play people without them knowing they're being played. Car salesman and people looking for donations use them all the time so they can't be that immoral.
[] Not bad, congrats (:
[] This is going to sound made up but I swear it's 100% true.

I used to work in Academia. I was a engineering lab manager for a very well known college. It was back when computers were catching on and they had bought Macintosh computers. Well one of the old engineering professors asked me to help with his computer. He was trying to use the word processor but didn't know how to do it. So I stood next to him and pointed to a pull down menu on the screen and told him to click there. He picked up the mouse and put it on the screen. I then explained how to use a mouse. Keep in on the desktop and roll it around until the cursor moved to where you want and we gave it a few tries. I then said okay click the menu pointing at it and he then again picked up the mouse and held it to the screen. That was a long day let me tell you.

Then we had another professor who was a Mac user and had not used a PC. The prof was literally a Mensa member and even had a Mensa ring. She then called one of my tech support people to her office to save a file for her. When the tech arrived she said okay let me show you how to save a file on a PC. The prof responded, "I don't want to know how to do it, that's your job".
[] It is only email, through their custom system, so no access whatsoever.
[] A C-section is medically indicated when there is a danger to the baby and/or mother. (As opposed to the elective C-Section by mothers "too posh to push", as they say in the UK.) But it's hard to generalise about which is safer because there are too many variables: the size of the baby vs. the size of the mother, the presentation, and so on. Some mothers can deliver a healthy baby naturally and go back to work the next day.
[] Why? I was actually thinking the exact opposite.
[] 99% of the Shah loyalists feld to modern day Cali. They were irrelevant from the get go. The bulk were either Islamists of the fedaye e Islami kind of cultish Islamo-marxists
[] i work in a pizzeria, i was asked if we have cats
[] ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
( `_っ´)
[] Do what you need to do to stay safe. Thinking of you.
[] Monday before a midnight launch at Gamestop

"You guys are doing a Midnight launch for ________ tonight right?"
"Yes, we'll start doi-"
"No, the issue is I can't come in that late, can I just get it now?"
"No, we can't sell it until midnight."
"What? You have it, just sell me one."
"Sir, I can't sell it to you till tomorrow"
"I won't play it till tomorrow"
"Sir the game can't be sold till tomorrow"
"But I'm Here now."

... this conversation continued for a while.
[] When being told we needed payment before we could transport her car "is it okay if I just fax the Cheque to you?"
[] In my city, beer IS cheaper in the grocery store.
[] The fuck are you talking about? I don't even know who this Zach Hammond cat is. I was just pointing out BLM is just a hashtag. There is no central leadership or Dr. King type figure.
[] That is no worm, it's Cthulhu's baby stage.
[] Fuck. I thought I was the only one who loves those.
[] Who names there kid nazi? Is that a religious thing?
[] I worked in a national chain bagel shop, someone came in and asked if we sell whole wheat bread. I remember this because I was new and I asked my crew shift manager and she and two others laughed out loud at me, and the customer stood there waiting for my response.
[] That's great, what the fuck is funny about it???? The fact that you probably know squat about nutrition and can't even take blood without missing the mark?
[] We have this exact thing at a place in Austin
[] Same here.
[] She would have to get a whole new set of teeth every week? Ouch
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[] I have a capital one and Amex credit card and their chip technology is fine by me. Thanks for the rec!

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