Barça Vs Argentine Lionel Messi En Chiffres

Ila   2016-06-28

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I'm a huge dick

Now what?
[] A sub-human
[] I see you don't watch Top Gear >=)
[] I actually but velcro on my phone and then the other kind on the walls around the house. I put it by my bed at eye level when I'm lying down and that's where I would put it at night. I put some in the kitchen for recipes and what not.
[] F1 drivers always used the old car, regardless of what the celebrities were using.
[] ...and your dialogues memorable.
[] Burn everything is a quote from Hitler
[] I read this in a library and laughed like a fucking moron.
[] As I said I know there is one but it's not as horrific as people who look at bad data think it is and by looking at bad data you will not be able to identify the TRUE problem areas
[] That's numberwang!
[] Bird Person.
[] Working in IT had a scheduled outage for three days - Friday to Sunday - to migrate datacentres. All staff in our state were given the day off as they wouldn't be able to access anything anyway.

So on one of my trips back into the office on the Saturday to pick up some tools and supplies there was a guy in the office who ran up and said

Guy: Hey, I have been caling the IT line all day and no one has answered. I can't access anything on any of the servers or print or log into any computer except mine.

Me: Ahh yeah, we have taken the whole system offline and are literally moving all the computer equipment to a new building. It's why you all got yesterday off. It has been sent out in every weekly memo for two months. All managers told all their staff in the last two team meetings. I can't think of a single IT event that we have communicated more thouroghly than this one.

Guy: Well can't you just get it up for me now so I can get this important work done that is due on Monday?

Me: Are you serious? Because we are half way into three days work and our whole team is doing 20 hour days so we can meet our scheduled finish time of 04:00 Monday morning. Actual acces will likely be available sometime very late Sunday night as the last 6 hours or so are just going to be testing. But that is the fastest we can get things up.

Guy: Well how is that supposed to help me?

Me: ... Sorry I am busy, there is nothing we can do for you.
[] That's bullshit. You can't speak for everyone. How would you know that everyone else who is vilifying him is doing it for the specific purpose of scaring others into abiding by our standards?
[] Terrorism works because of fear, not because of empathy or love. Fearing is the problem, feeling is the solution. The problem is a lack of empathy for the "other" in a situation.
[] 4' 24" 19lbs 2896 ounces
[] Just unsubscribe from r/pics
[] A stringline?! That's like a thousand feet...
[] Thanks. I tried. Lol
[] If there were a hell, then yes because you're wearing clothing of 2 fabrics and I'm certain you've eaten crustaceans in your lifetime.
[] I mean, I do not follow these tools, but I read that headline and thought, "No. No no no they can't be that stupid. Surely."

[Reads article]


It appears that they are that stupid.
[] (---
[] Not dead yet, so can't say.
[] Can't stop laughing. Send help.
[] I'm 20 years old, last year I was sleeping on the streets working 80 hours a week, and I finally have a place I can call home. I've taken 3 classes already, and I'm not stopping yet. You can claim I'm making this up all that you want. But I'm here to share my story, whether anybody is listening or not.

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