Philippine's Duterte says he will bring back the death penalty

AGENCIA EFE 2016-06-27

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{\rtf1\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0 Calibri;}{\f1 Arial;}}{\colortbl ;\red245\green245\blue245 ;\red0\green0\blue255 ;\red255\green255\blue255 ;}{\*\defchp \fs22}{\stylesheet {\ql\fs22 Normal;}{\*\cs1\fs22\cf1 Default Paragraph Font;}{\*\cs2\sbasedon1\fs22\cf1 Line Number;}{\*\cs3\ul\fs22\cf2 Hyperlink;}{\*\ts4\tsrowd\fs22\ql\trautofit1\tscellpaddfl3\tscellpaddl108\tscellpaddfr3\tscellpaddr108\tsvertalt\cltxlrtb Normal Table;}{\*\ts5\tsrowd\sbasedon4\fs22\ql\trbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10\trbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10\trbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10\trbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10\trbrdrh\brdrs\brdrw10\trbrdrv\brdrs\brdrw10\trautofit1\tscellpaddfl3\tscellpaddl108\tscellpaddfr3\tscellpaddr108\tsvertalt\cltxlrtb Table Simple 1;}}{\*\listoverridetable}\nouicompat\splytwnine\htmautsp\sectd\pard\plain\qj\fi280\sa200{\b\f1\fs20\cf3 Manila (Filipinas), 27 jun (EFE).- }{\b\f1\fs20\cf3 Local media in the philippines are reporting that Philippine President-Elect Rodrigo Duterte said in an address on Monday that he will seek to reinstate the death penalty in the country for "retribution" against criminals,.}\b\f1\fs20\cf3\par\pard\plain\qj\sa200{\b\f1\fs20\cf3 during an address in Davao today and With just three days before being sworn in as president, duterte stated QUOTE \u8211\'96- "I believe in retribution. Why? You should pay. When you kill someone, rape, you should die," }\b\f1\fs20\cf3\par\pard\plain\qj\sa200{\b\f1\fs20\cf3 The president-elect, who promised during his election campaign to end crime in the Philippines in less than six months, also vowed to be extremely tough with criminals, }\b\f1\fs20\cf3\par\pard\plain\qj\sa200{\b\f1\fs20\cf3 Duterte rejected reports by human rights organizations that say the death penalty does not reduce crime rates.}\b\f1\fs20\cf3\par\pard\plain\qj\sa200{\b\f1\fs20\cf3 The former mayor of Davao City has often defended the reintroduction of the death penalty which was abolished in 2006 by former president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo \u8211\'96 as a means to reduce crime rates.}\b\f1\fs20\cf3\par\pard\plain\qj\sa200{\b\f1\fs20\cf3 Duterte campaigned for president on a tough on crime mandate and has given security forces a 'shoot-to-kill' order against members of organized crime syndicates who resist arrest. }\b\f1\fs20\cf3\par\pard\plain\qj\sa200{\b\f1\fs20\cf3 He has also said he wants to impose death by hanging for not just the crime of murder but also for crimes related to illicit drugs, rapes and car thefts where the owner is subsequently killed.}\b\f1\fs20\cf3\par\pard\plain\qj\sa200{\b\f1\fs20\cf3 Meanwhile, the police said recently that the number of smugglers killed since Duterte was elected president on May 9th has increased 200 percent, alarming several nonprofit organizations.}\fs22\cf3\par\pard\plain\ql{\lang1033\langfe1033\fs22\cf3 ARCHIVE IMAGES}\fs22\cf3\par\pard\plain\ql{\fs22\cf3 \~}\fs22\cf3\par\pard\plain\ql{\lang1033\langfe1033\fs22\cf3 Keywords}{\fs22\cf3 : efe,}{\lang1033\langfe1033\fs22\cf3 philippines}{\fs22\cf3 ,duterte,}{\lang1033\langfe103

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