this was supposed to be thrown together like the last rumination, unfortunately wading through archive footage (tons of it) took longer than I expected.
It is edited entirely from clips available from, most in the public domain:
Flight of Apollo 11 (1969)
Dating: Do's and Don'ts (1949)
Perversion for Profit (ca. 1964 - 1965)
A-Bomb Blast Effects (1959)
Robot Reality (1990)
Internet Archive's Book Scanning Robot (2004)
Stock Footage - Time Lapse Blooming Flowers - Camera Two (2006)
Produced by: Ivan Bridgewater and released under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic licence
Two Ducks Swimming On River (Wide Screen) (2007)
Way Stations In Space (1961)
Apollo 16: Nothing So Hidden (1972)
Highlights 1965: A Progress Report (1965)
Logic By Machine
Computer Chronicles: The Internet (1993)
Shadow Robot Company HandB (2002)
Produced by: Shadow Robot Company and released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.
Garden Wise
Safety Through Seat Belts
British Hydrogen Bomb Explosion (1957)
NASA-The_25th_Year_CompNASA: The 25th Year (1983)
Produced by: NASA and released under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic licence
U.S. Breaks Relations With Cuba (1961)
out of these I couldn't possibly recommend higher:
Volcanoes: for spectacular images
Dating: Do's and Don'ts: for comedy
A-Bomb Blast Effects: for scaryness
Robot Reality: for robot and health and safety video porn
Garden Wise: for amazing flower photography
Safety Through Seat Belts: for car crash porn