Hubert Kah mit "Military Drums"
am 20.08.1987 in der ZDF-Sommerhitparade
(Livesendung vom Wannsee, Berlin )
Album: Released only as a bonus track on:
Tensongs (Special Edition, 1987)
Sound Of My Heart (Curb Records + CBS/Sony, 1989)
Written by: Hubert Kemmler, Klaus Hirschburger, Markus Löhr
(not by Michael Cretu and Susanne Müller ;-))
Produced by: Michael Cretu & Armand Volker
Backing vocals: Carol Kenyon
(The female vocalist in the video is Marion Hoferer)
------------------------ LYRICS -----------------------
I don't play these military drums
On the head of my soul
I don't pray for missionary stunts
On the way to my goal
The Military drums
Jack is cryin'
Lookin' so bizarre
An' he got his joints already broken in that beat
He's divin'
And we'll see him nevermore
The Military drums
I don't play these military drums
On the head of my soul
I don't pray for missionary stunts
On the way to my goal
Who came
Who came to me
And drummed the prayers
I can't move from now
An' my eyes collide
With energy
They're leavin' me no more
Those words are beatin' drums
I don't play these military drums
On the head of my soul
The Military drums
I don't pray for missionary stunts
On the way to my goal
No more tears and guns
no more deals in sons
no more guns
I don't play these military drums
On the head of my soul
I don't pray for missionary stunts
On the way to my goal