Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the film that brought Captain America and his old pal Bucky back together in a not so happy reunion, is based on the comic of the same name. Now it’s time for us to read between the lines to find the differences between the comic book and the film.
Both the film and comic versions of Captain America: The Winter Soldier deal with Captain America encountering the friend he thought had died back in WWII alive, brainwashed, and working as and assassin. The comic and movie have a lot of similarities but there are some major differences like the roles of Black Widow and Sharon Carter, the nature of SHIELD, and the origin of the Winter Soldier. At that, it’s time to unleash all the differences between the comic and the film.
Have you read Captain America: The Winter Soldier? Are you a fan of Captain America Comics? Have you watched all the movies? Are you a fan of comic book films? Which is your favorite?
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