How to recover outlook password and outlook password recovery customer service number
1. The first step in getting your password recovered in any of the email service providers is to go to the login page. But many users may not know about it. So for them let me tell you that you can search outlook login page on any search engine and get the answer.
2. Once you reach the login page you have several options but since you have lost or forgotten your password, you should be clicking on I´ve forgotten my password and then it will take you to a new page.
3. Now new page loads in your browser. Here you can see two boxes. One for your email id and one for the captcha. On the email id box, you should write the complete email id along with the domain part. For the captcha, you could see an image with jumbled letters. If you can´t see them clearly, click on new. If still not going good, you can also click on audio and hear the captcha. Now type the captcha and click next.
4. Now the most important page loads on your screen. If you have already added some kind of recovery preferences like alternate email and mobile number then you have done a great thing. Here you need to select the preferred option to get the recovery code or the one-time password to access your account. Select the correct one and then click on next.
5. You would receive the code in less than 2-3 minutes on your mail or mobile phone as your preference. You could see a box enter the code. Put your received code there and now you can partially access the account. You can get the complete access in 30 days´ time.
This was the full guide to Outlook Password Recovery Number 1-888-499-5526