Today on the Softonic Round up we have Apple's new iPhone, the latest for Windows and Windows 10 mobile, and the great Instagram revolution. First up, Instagram now allows you to upload photos and videos in both portrait and landscape formats. In an announcement made on its official blog and Instagram itself, the company announced that square format for all your photos, it is no longer necessary. That’s right, you can now post in the aspect ratio you originally captured them, without having to crop them or use third-party applications to make them square. According Instagram, this is to make life easier for users who will no longer have to compromise their compositions. So, I guess now we can expect to see lots more vertical videos on the social network. Next week September 9, at 10 am in California, Apple will be holding its annual launch event, and this year speculation of what will be on show is rampant. Of course Apple is expected to unveil its new phone, presumably the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus. One of the big anticipated here is the addition of Force Touch, a haptic feedback system currently being used in Apple Watch the offers new interaction possibilities with apps. It is also expected that the camera will be greatly improved. Along with its phones, people are expecting Apple TV to be a focus. With rumors about the inclusion of Siri and an App Store, this could bring the product in line with other Apple devices, allowing you to share purchases across the whole App Store Eco System. With an anticipated price of $ 200 this could be the company’s sneaky way to take over your TV. The other big to already come out of this event is that you aren’t going to be forced to watch from Safari on your iOS device or Mac, with the conference able to be streamed over Windows 10 Edge browser. It may seem like a sensible idea given that there are now 75 million machines out there with the OS installed – and the time it will be shown it will many home Mac users to view it at the office. But maybe there is more to Apple allowing it to be streamed to a Microsoft OS. Speaking of Microsoft, there is a new Windows 10 build for Insiders to try. This includes small developments like a context menu. Microsoft has also distributed updates for Windows 7 and 8 which have included monitoring tools similar to those in Windows 10. If you are concerned about privacy and BigData, we recommend reading more information in the links. In EVEN MORE Microsoft news, image have been leaked of the latest build of Windows 10 and the companies new Lumia 950 and XL 950 phones - which will be out in October. Finally this week, Minecraft’s creator Notch has posted a series of tweets commenting on how lonely he has felt since selling his company, Mojang, to Microsoft for 2,500 million. So, yeah, turns out that it’s true that money doesn’t buy happiness. That’s if for today. If you enjoyed the show I will be back on Thursday with our game series Click Swipe Play, and on Friday with five app recommendations – but your next news roundup will be on the 14th as I am away next week. Subscribe so you don’t miss that, and I’ll see you then.