The European Space Agency recently shared a photo taken by British astronaut Tim Peake, onboard the ISS, that shows the scary impact mark left by collision with debris. In April, an object estimated to be about the size of a paint fleck stuck one of the windows in the station’s Cupola module.
There’s a lot of debris in space, and when it hits a craft traveling at roughly 18,000 miles per hour, it’s likely going to do some damage.
The European Space Agency recent shared a photo taken by ISS Astronaut Tim Peake that shows the aftermath of one such encounter.
In April, an object estimated to be about the size of a paint fleck stuck one of the windows in the station’s Cupola.
The impact left behind an approximate ¼ inch chip.
Of the incident, and the window in particular, Peake said, “…glad it is quadruple glazed.”