Dan Povenmire (Disney's Phineas and Ferb) stars in this special Ty the Pie Guy episode! Packing lunch everyday can be such a drag. With these tips from Ty the Pie Guy, you can get a head start on a lunch your kids will actually eat! Ty the Pie Guy has tricks to beat the lunch box blues and make packing a lunch easy and fun.
Wanna get super inspired for lunch ideas? Check out some truly awesome lunch box art right here: http://tythepieguy.com/no-more-brown-bags/
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Ty the Pie Guy Present: TY'S TIPS | LUNCH BOX BLUES Episode 114
Ty the Pie Guy Theme Song and score: Eric Schackne
Ty the Pie Guy is an educational comedy cooking show for kids and families where you can learn great recipes - and often cool food history - to use when cooking with children. If you're looking for fun, educational videos, early learning shows, comedy cooking, family fun, quality family entertainment or just an inspiring easy recipe show told with humor, joy and hilarious moments, we're the comedy cooking channel for you. Our kid’s comedy cooking channel is for all ages and skill levels! Ty's Pies episodes features easy recipes for kids and parents, Ty's Tips shows off cooking tips, food hacks and quick tips in the kitchen. Ty's Tries encourages kids to try new foods, delight in healthy eating and inspires fun food ideas for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Ty the Pie Guy loves educating kids through stories, humor and entertainment. Enjoy your kitchen! Be the master of your food… Ty the Pie Guy can inspire you to have fun with your family and enjoy cooking!