Bigg Boss 9 will see history being created as it will be the first season of the show, which will see Shah Rukh Khan and host Salman Khan sharing the stage. While rumour mills have been rife with reports, since quite some time, that SRK will visit the Bigg Boss house to promote his next Dilwale, his co-star Varun Dhawan has now confirmed the rumours. At the launch of Dilwale's song Manma Emotion Jaage, which features Kriti Sanon and Varun Dhawan, when asked about their Bigg Boss plans, the latter said, "Me and Kriti might enter the house a little early and we go on November 28 with Manma. I spoke to Salman Bhai and he said why don't you get the song to Bigg Boss. Shah Rukh sir might go a little later and I think when Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan are in the same frame, you won't want to see anyone else, so I will watch it on TV." Well we agree with Varun and we are sure the channel heads too must be excited about it as, that day, TRP's will soar and how!
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