The Simpsons opening in Minecraft

Muxufoy 2016-04-15

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Got the idea from you! Again!\r
This is the video that took the most time in the decoration and skin making! Bouledeneige found and made a whole bunch of skins, thanks to him!\r
(and thanks to Beardpuller for the acting part)\r
Yo. Seems that people are mad at us because we didnt give credit to some people.\r
The city is made by us, not by Minecraft is Awesome. But they did a better job than us, go check them out! And there is a skin named Fumblemore, from the YOGSCAST series (slighty modified by us for the yellow skin). Oh yea, the song, is the Simpsons theme.\r
YES I KNOW, THE MAGGIE BLOCK IS HORRIBLE! And Marge looks like Mr. Potato!

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