Mentoring Coaching, Mentoring Coaching And Counseling, Mentoring Coaching Skills 085.646.732.123

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Business Coaching Malang, Business Coaching Process, Business Coaching Tool, Business Consultant, Business Model Canvas, Business Plan, Coach Business, Coach Business Stategy, Coach Fahmi, Coach Fahmi Malang

.:: Coaching On Location Nat Nat Homestay ::.
Salah satu program simulasi kami adalah Coaching on Location. Setiap bisnis tumbuh dan berkembang dengan masalah dan problem yang butuh energi lain untuk membantu menyelesaikan. Disitulah esensi seorang coach, bersinergi untuk membantu seseorang menyelesaikan masalah atau problem bisnisnya.

Ingin mendapatkan pengalaman NYATA dan REAL dari program Grounded Business Coaching, Ikuti Program kami.
WORKSHOP 5 Hari – (08.00 WIB – 21.00 WIB)
SELASA – SABTU, 19 – 23 APRIL 2016

Business Coach Program Lead by Coach Dr. Fahmi
International Coach Certified J. Meyer Texas
International Coach Certified of NLP, Horton, Florida
International Total Leader Certified, J. Meyer Texas
Asessor Kompetensi Badan Nasioanal Sertifikasi Profesi

Informasi lebih lanjut tentang program kami bisa menghubungi : Henny Nurhandayani 085.646.732.123 / BBM 5744.1749
Website :
Fanspage : Grounded Coaching
Twitter : @CoachFahmi

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