Hearthstone | Raptor Zoo Deathrattle Rogue Deck & Decklist| Constructed | by devinkvondo

Furo 2016-04-13

Views 17

Hearthstone Deck - Constructed / Ranked
Raptor Zoo Deathrattle Rogue Deck by devinkvondo

Potential: rank 10 to 5 (maybe legend, not sure, my sample is too small, maybe someone else can enlighten me)
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[Mana] Card Name

[0]Backstab 2x
[1]Cold Blood 2x
[2]Defias Ringleader 2x
[2]Eviscerate 2x
[3]Fan of Knives
[3]SI:7 Agent 2x
[3]Unearthed Raptor 2x
[5]Dark Iron Skulker

[1]Abusive Sergeant 2x
[1]Leper Gnome 2x
[1]Sir Finley Mrrgglton
[2]Nerubian Egg 2x
[2]Haunted Creeper 2x
[2]Loot Hoarder 2x
[2]Harvest Golem
[4]Defender of Argus 2x
[4]Cult Master
[5]Leeroy Jenkins

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