Hearthstone | Ghosty's Quartermaster Midrange Paladin Deck & Decklist | Constructed | Top200 Legend

Furo 2016-03-22

Views 6

Hearthstone Deck - Constructed / Ranked
Ghosty's Quartermaster Midrange Paladin Deck

Potential: up to Legend rank

A Silver Hand Recruit heavy focus midrange paladin deck with double Quartermaster that reached a Top200 spot on the ladder in season 24. Every turn a value turn ;)
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[Mana] Card Name

[2]Shielded Minibot 2x
[3]Aldor Peacekeeper 2x
[3]Muster for Battle 2x
[4]Truesilver Champion x
[4]Consecration 2x
[4]Keeper of Uldaman 2x
[5]Quartermaster 2x
[8]Lay on Hands
[8]Tirion Fordring

[1]Zombie Chow 2x
[2]Knife Juggler 2x
[3]Big Game Hunter
[4]Piloted Shredder 2x
[5]Antique Healbot
[5]Sludge Belcher 2x
[6]Justicar Trueheart

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