CAR DOCTOR! Kids Car Cartoons FAST SPORTS CAR Doc McWheelies Garage! (мультфильм на англ

Jayden Pedro 2016-03-07

Views 6

Meet Doc McWheelie the Car Doctor! Today she repairs a Red Sports Car! Cars, Buses and other vehicles come to her garage for Mechanical Repairs!\r
Today in Doctor Mac Wheelies Garage, she repairs a cute Yellow Car with a flat tyre! Cars, Buses and other vehicles come to her garage for Mechanical Repairs .\r
Meet Doc McWheelie! She is a Car Doctor! Cars, Buses and other vehicles come to her garage for repairs! Come and see what happens in her Mechanical .\r
Come and see the Car Doctor! Doc McWheelies Vehicle Garage! She is the Best Mechanic and she can Repair ANY vehicle!

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