Lets Play - Mutant Rampage Body Slam (part 9) from Freak and Nitro TV. Like this? Watch the latest episode of Freak and Nitro TV on Blip! http://blip.tv/freakandnitro/watch
www.freakandnitro.com for more, in preparation for halloween - Jimmy TehFreak (twitter @JimmyTehFreak) and Kellen Nitro (@Kellennitro) capture videogame footage while livestreaming the little known Philips CDi brawler - Mutant Rampage Bodyslam. Be sure to check out facebook.com/freakandnitro to vote on what game you want to see reviewed for halloween, and check out the two charity fundraisers we are sponsoring on October 20, 2012 by going to www.nesmarathon.com and www.girlsandgreatswords.com
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