Princesita Sofía Huevos Sorpresa of Disney Princess Sofia the First Christmas Surprise Eggs

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Toychannel DCToysCollector presents Princesita Sofía Huevos Sorpresa from Disney Channel Princess Sofia the First. This are huevos de chocolate con leche. Thx 4 watchin another unboxing of cioccolato Surprise Eggs con juguete of ToyChannel DCToys. Los Ovetti di Pasqua preferito dai bambini y niños perfect for Easter and Christmas and even for your spooky Halloween trick-or-treat.\r
Princess Sofia the First is one of the most popular new shows on Disney Junior Channel for toddlers and preschool children. Helping in her journey are 3 Fairies Fauna, Flora and Merryweather from Sleeping Beauty. According to Princess Cinderella, the magic Amulet connects to all Disney princesses like: Rapunzel, Merida, Anna and Elsa from Frozen. Show is also called: Princesita Sofía Había Una Vez, Sofia la Principessa, Jej Wysokość Zosia, ちいさなプリンセス ソフィア, Princesinha Sofia Era Uma Vez, Princesa Sofia, La Princesa Sofía, Princesinha Sofia, Princesse Sofia, Prinzessin Sofia, Principessa Sofia, πριγκίπισσα Σοφία, принцесса София, 공주 소피아, プリンセスソフィア\r
Princesita Sofía la Primera es nueva serie animada Disney Junior. Su amuleto le permite hablar con los animales. La Principessa Sophie pide ayuda a las tres hadas: Flora, Fauna y Primavera, de la película clásica de La bella Durmiente. Gracias a un amuleto mágico, que serán asistidos por otras princesas de Disney: Sereia Ariel, Princesita Anna y Elsa Frozen El reino del Hielo.\r
Princesinha Sofia é um desenho animado e conta com história de uma menina que se torna princesa. Ela tem ajuda das Fadas Fauna, Flora e Primavera, de A Bela Adormecida. Graças a um amuleto mágico, ela será ajudada por outras Princesas da Disney, tipo Elsa e Anna de Frozen O Reino do Gelo.\r
DisneyCollector is a ToyChannel for toddlers infants & preschool children who loves toys dolls. This is not an unboxing channel, i review juguetes, muñecas, bambole e bonecas available in stores. I speak español y portugues. Im an avid ToyCollector with a huge ToysCollection. Check out my new DisneyPlaydoh Playlist:\r
Sofia the First Magical Talking Castle Royal Prep Academy.\r
Play-Doh Meal Makin Kitchen with Princess Sofia the First.\r
Sofia the First Royal Prep Academy Dolls Character Collection.\r
Check out BluCollection ToyCollector for more unboxings:\r
Play-Doh Sofia the First Magic Talking Castle w/ Peppa Pig:\r
Disney Junior Sofia the First Magical Talking Castle Playset\r
Peppa Pig Picnic Adventure Car With Princess Sofia the First.\r
Watch Sofia the First Talking Magic Castle talking Clover:\r
Play-Doh Sofia the First Magic Talking Castle w/ Peppa Pig:\r
Play-Doh Sofia the First Going to School Portable Classroom\r
Playdough Sofia the First Royal Tea Party with Doc McStuffins:\r
Princess Sofia SLEEPOVER Slumber Party - Princesita Sofía Pijamada Real.\r
Click to Subscribe DCTC Toys-Collector Unboxing Channel:\r
Assista ao Canal Brasileiro de Brinquedos e Bonecas.\r

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