Documentaries: #MyEscape, Part 1 | Documentaries

DW (English) 2016-02-14

Views 39

#MyEscape - Part 1
Hundreds of thousands of people flee to Germany. The numbers are steadily rising and the stories of escape are dramatic, unique and shocking - stories which are now being filmed and shared throughout social networks. And not by filmmakers or new teams but by the refugees themselves. For most, a mobile phone is essential for organizing a way out. But it’s also a way of carrying memories of those left behind and recording the stages of their escape. Countless videos are circulating on social media which document the refugees’ journey to Germany. #MyEscape looks in detail at several of these stories. The clips tell tales of the refugees’ homes, their departure, the different legs of their journey, their arrival in Germany and, finally, their first impressions in the new country. The refugees narrate their footage with detailed interviews, giving a moving and close-up impression of the people, the homes they had to leave and the journey they still face in their search for security.

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