Terror in Resonance , also known as Terror in Tokyo in Japan, is a Japanese anime television series produced by MAPPA. The anime was directed by Shinichirō Watanabe, with character designs by Kazuto Nakazawa and music by Yoko Kanno. The anime began airing on Fuji TV's Noitamina block on July 10, 2014 and its final episode aired on September 25, 2014. In total, it was made up of 11 episodes.In an alternate iteration of the present, Tokyo has been hit by a terrorist attack that has devastated the city. The only evidence of the culprits is a cryptic video uploaded to the Internet, which sparks paranoia across Japan. Unbeknownst to the authorities is that the terrorist masterminds—who call themselves "Sphinx" (スピンクス Supinkusu)—are two teenaged boys who go by the names Nine and Twelve. Though they apparently should not exist, they have nonetheless decided to "wake up the world" with their heinous plans of destruction, with their fingers on the trigger.
⇒ Url of this Amv : https://youtu.be/eOEgGqRdBc0
⇒ Last Amv : https://youtu.be/CvRCkBTJ8VE
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Zankyou no
Zankyou no terror
Zankyou no terror Amv
Terror in Resonance
Terror in Tokyo
zankyou no terror opening
zankyou no terror ost
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zankyou no terror ending
zankyou no terror trailer
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zankyou no terror vostfr
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zankyou no terror episode
terror in tokyo episode 1
terror in tokyo soundtrack
terror in tokyo amv
terror in tokyo ost
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