Lo and Behold: Reveries of the Connected World (2016) Documentary Film Full Movie HD 1080p

Kadarisman rivai 2016-02-06

Views 35

Enjoy Lo and Behold: Reveries of the Connected World Full Movie!
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Overview :
Society depends on the Internet for nearly everything but rarely do we step back and recognize its endless intricacies and unsettling omnipotence. From Werner Herzog comes his newest vehicle for exploration, a examination of our rapidly interconnecting online lives. Herzog documents a treasure trove of interviews of strange and beguiling individuals—ranging from Internet pioneers to victims of wireless radiation, whose anecdotes and reflections weave together a complex portrait of our brave new world. Herzog describes the Internet as “one of the biggest revolutions we as humans are experiencing,” and yet he tempers this enthusiasm with horror stories from victims of online harassment and Internet addiction.

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