Terminator Genisys: Meet the Characters (2015) HD

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After finding himself in a new time-line, Kyle Reese teams up with John Connor's mother Sarah and an aging terminator to try and stop the one thing that the future fears, "Judgement Day".

Release date: 1 July 2015 (USA)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Director: Alan Taylor
Writers: Laeta Kalogridis, Patrick Lussier
Cast: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Emilia Clarke, J.K. Simmons, Jai Courtney
Country: USA
Production Companies: Paramount Pictures, Skydance Productions
Distributors: Lotte Entertainment, Paramount Pictures Entertainment, Paramount Pictures International, Paramount Pictures, United International Pictures, Universal Pictures International, Westec Media Limited
Official website: http://www.terminatormovie.com/

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