Deepika Padukone celebrated her successful run at the box office in 2013 ('Race 2', 'Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani', 'Chennai Express' and 'Ram Leela') with a big bash on Saturday night. The party coincided with the weekend that had Katrina Kaif in the spotlight after the release of 'Dhoom 3'. Happy coincidence? Deepika's friends from the industry including her co-stars, directors and friends joined her to raise a toast. The actress wore a bronze Gucci wrap gown for the party, the theme for which was black and gold. Her parents Ujjala and Prakash Padukone, too, were present for the party. Of the three Khans, though Salman Khan, who has been busy shooting, couldn't turn up for the party, Sohail and Seema, Alvira and husband Atul Agnihotri and Malaika Arora Khan were in attendance. Farhan and Adhuna Akhtar, Nawaz and Gautam Singhania, Kunal Kapoor, Sunny and Anu Dewan, Divya and Bhushan Kumar, Amrita Rao, Sooraj Barjatya, and Subhash Ghai were among the guests seen here.
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