Watch in HD for best quality. This video is just my opinion so feel free to comment, rank or send a video response with your opinion. ___ Subscribe to my other .\r
well sorry this took awhile, but here is version 1 of the summer openings video to keep you occupied until the rest of the openings come out and so that i can .\r
List: 22. Non Non Biyori Repeat OP: Kodama Kotodama by nano.RIPE 21. Jitsu wa Watashi wa OP: Himitsu wo Choudai by Ars Magna 20. Kuusen Madoushi .\r
At last, heres My Top Anime Openings of 2015! Top 30 - 6:22 Top 20 - 8:58 Top 10 - 11:41 Overall, a great year for anime openings! Top 50 Anime Endings of .