Donald Trump said this morning on Fox and Friends that he believes President Obama's emotional address on gun control was "sincere" but that he's pursuing the wrong strategy by "taking chunks" out of the Second Amendment.
"I actually think he was sincere. I'll probably go down about five points in the polls by saying that, but I think he was sincere. But I think it's a thing that he feels. I think he's incorrect about it. He's taking chunks and chunks out of the Second Amendment," said Trump, arguing that there is a bigger problem with mentally ill people who aren't getting the care they need.
But he said Hillary Clinton is actually worse than Obama when it comes to guns, claiming she "wants to take everyone's gun away."
Trump said if there were law-abiding citizens with firearms present during the Paris or San Bernardino terror attacks, lives could have been saved.
"People need protection, we need protection ... They want to take that safety net away and you can't do it. We cannot tamper with the Second Amendment," he said.
Trump explained to Sean Hannity last night that if he's elected, he will repeal Obama's executive actions on gun control.
He added that if Obama is dead set on changing gun laws, he must do it through Congress and not by executive action.
"What's happening is the government is being run much differently than our founders had in mind," Trump said. "This is the Second Amendment. This is a very important thing to people ... It's unbelievable what's happening."
Watch the full interview above, as Trump discusses his chances to win in Iowa and Sen. Ted Cruz's Canadian birth.