Bouncer Wears GoPro On New Years To Show How Much Bullshit He Deals With
I’ll admit it. I have been a dickhead to bouncers a few times in my life. In my defense most of the time I am trying to get my buddies back into the spot they just got booted from.
I suck for that.
I do respect bouncers and could NEVER work their jobs. Think about the last time you have been sober around just a handful of drunk people. Loud, annoying, and not listening to anything you say.
Now times that by 100+ and that is how this dude spent his New Years.
One girl was about to lose her toes while the other hot heads were trying to fight.
Lucky for us, the Canadian bouncer uploaded his GoPro footage from the night outside the door of a club on New Year’s Eve . The footage has finally been uploaded to YouTube.
If you enjoy watching drunk people looks stupid, here you go.
Bouncer: “You’ve been kicked out and you know that, I can’t let you back in.”
Guy: “Nah I got thrown out the front and they said ‘grab another drink’.”