رجل أصم تفاجئه زوجته بأنها حامل ، شاهد كيف كانت ردة فعله

Ila   2016-01-03

Views 8

They don't need their name up in lights
[] My favorite Norm Bit
[] Maybe you do
[] plus they never even grabbed her boobies.
[] Well.. I had 500 potted plants in my apartment too. Of a specific species. All were hoyas. I had an SQL database with users and image uploads too. Well, my wife had, but I built it.
[] Never understood the obsession with CP. We don't assume a person that watched videos of homicides to be a killer either.
[] Off-Topic Discussion: Reply here for non-story comments.

What is this? • First time here? • Special Announcements
[] Yeah how could anyone ruin a movie you created? Still can't understand his entire point.
[] I used to get that question a lot and I was a security guard in full uniform. Probably the same people that put bread in the microwave and wonder why it didn't toast.
[] I just had to accept people around me can be exceedingly stupid and had to make my peace with that.
[] saw*
[] I think you mean the biggest flip flop. Look at how big it is next to the executors executor-class imperial star dreadnought. Without banana we can only assume it's full size
[] Is $10k enough?
[] Why would you post this on Reddit tho, I'd feel like that kind of stuff is really personal
[] A private sale may net you more cash than a trade in, so I would explore that option before accepting a trade. You can get an idea on what it is worth using KBB.com or cars.com and similar sites.

You still need to make up the difference on the loan, so if you go with a private sale you need to have cash to cover the gap.

Rolling the difference into a new loan after trade in just keeps you in a whole. The whole will get deeper as the car you buy will also lose value. If at all possible, take your losses now and strart fresh.

Sorry for your troubles. As part of the divorce you can split the loss.
[] I was working in a restaurant, and as a guy comes up to order drinks there is a sudden power cut. Not phased, he asks for a bottle of beer from the fridge. I tell him "sorry, with the power out the cash register is off, I can't serve anything until it's back on".

He responds "OK, can I have pint of beer instead?"
[] Shit that's funny af
[] Black and made by slaves in Kenya.
[] Fred Rogers.

So many reasons.
[] Legend....still lives in Islington, I see him quite often.
[] It's like a tornado, but somehow much more terrifying.
[] I was working for a drug store, stocking the area that contains various in-home tests when two young women approached me with a shopping cart holding a young child (18-24 months).

These two women were, to put is bluntly, white-trash looking... they proceeded to prove that my snap judgement was correct when they handed me a paternity test and asked "Will this test tell us who the mother of a baby is?" When I diplomatically responded saying "no, would only tell who the father is" they asked why.

I've worked a lot of years in customer service in some form or another... easily the dumbest question I've gotten.
[] "I need something for my faucet"

That's all he said.
[] I agree. One of the best moving scenes of the show. There are many more scenes like that. The one where he writes a recommendation for Dwight.
[] Wouldn't have taken much...


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