Zaid Hamid Telling How Saudi Treats With Prisoners In Jail

Ila   2016-01-03

Views 3

Jacksonville has never experienced a Cat 4 or higher... Andrew hit well south of us and fucked south Florida. You think its dramatic to be worried about my home town?
[] I used to work for a boat company on the potomac River. One of the services is that it takes people from Virginia to DC. There are two drop off points, Georetown and the national mall. I had one lady ask if it was a big mall. I was confused until I realized she thought it was a shopping mall.

I also had several people ask where in the river Sulley landed the plane.
[] Np is that matthew or storms behind it though. I think that was where it was yesterday. Honestly where I am though it hasn't been shit. We aren't expected to see more than like 45mph winds and a few more inches of rain.
[] No one cares.

Except me. I love you.
[] Is the basement still downstairs....
[] Tubs and doorways may offer some protection if your building colapses.

Google and keep close basic survival items and as much food and bottled water you can.

Get a gallon of bleach and learn how to purify water with it.
[] Lmao she showed you
[] Couldn't the seekers just always stay in pairs, and never lose?
[] Stupid long horses can't even hunt.
[] Maybe your gay friends go to hell for knowing you. Try not being such an asshole.
[] I use it every day when climbing ladders and doing other shit.

When i'm on the street its in my backpack unless i forget and its still in my pocket.
[] With or without rice?
[] Why did you have to sleep on the streets if you were working 80 hour weeks?
[] Damn right
[] I think the U.N. owes most of the world reparations for its entrenchment of colonialist borders as immutable and for not requiring that countries comply with any part of 'international law' before they can server on U.N. councils and committees.
[] Nah fuck Trump
[] Because people don't feel bad lying to a faceless company.
[] The ending credit scene is even better.
[] Took me a while to realise it was a tv and not a framed photo of Picard
[] 60% of the population most likely can't even get to the electoral schools, to be honest considering the state of the country.
[] There is no way a show like this could exist today with twitter outrage
[] We would use m/s for projectile speed instead. (Meters per second)
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[] Well... she did somehow remove energy from the environment and produce ice out of thin air... so that to me means she's mastered matter-energy conversion.

Problem is that she didn't remove near enough energy by dropping the temperature a few degrees to account for all the new matter she created. Maybe it's magic.

As for environmental effects... with something like a small county you're not really doing too much to the planets environment as a whole. You've only really created a cold spot that would quickly warm up with the air currents and then everything would return to seasonal norms in probably a weeks time.
[] I thought this was going to be a "Bill Engvall - Here's your sign" moment, but it went sideways.

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