Deaf man finds out his wife is pregnant in most amazing way


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This beautiful video of a deaf man finding out his wife is pregnant will have you feeling all sorts of emotions.

After discovering she was pregnant, Brittany LeBlanc decided to wait until Christmas to tell her husband, David Welch.

And she did it in the most beautiful way.

Filmed by his wife as he opened individually wrapped gifts at their home in Hammond, Louisiana, David looks utterly confused as he finds his first present – a Baby Ruth bar.

David, who is deaf, uses American Sign Language to communicate with his wife throughout the video.

When he opens his next present – a Dad’s Root Beer – David still looks quite baffled – but the realisation sets in that there’s a baby-related message in the gifts…

Brittany giggles as she watches David delve into the bag for more clues…

Finally, he finds his final gift, wrapped in tissue paper…

Two positive pregnancy tests.

Cue tears, disbelief and overwhelming happiness.
Finally he finds the card saying ‘Surprise Daddy!’ And that seals it.

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