Sex abuse lawsuit against Boy Scouts of America

Reinkenlaw 2015-12-28

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A lawsuit was filed by 19 former scouts from the Boy Scouts of America against their scout master Donald Dennis. The lawsuit alleges that 17 boys and 2 girls had been molested by their scout master from 1960s through 1970s several times. He was a paedophile who took advantage of his position to molest the youth whenever and wherever he could get a chance. Be it in jamborees, scout meetings or outings, he was used to molesting them from tent to tent and once did not even spare a church backroom during a meeting in Jesse Lee Memorial United Methodist Church in Ridgefield, Connecticut. Since Mr. Dennis is no more, the lawsuit extends to the entire Boy Scouts of America.For more details call at 203-541-0090 or fax at 203-325-8807 or visit us at

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