do you know! By my massage is lucky and happy people. Because my hand, you know that illnesses within the body and the spiritual body beyond the flesh body, spiritual body, the pain is there. So let me finish massage often people will put up a thumb, that I massage craft great! But others look at, I will be very nervous worry! I think that will hurt the patient. Indeed! I will know how much to use of force induction. Too light, like a mosquito massage, it was like looking, in fact, not much. Pain pain still exists in vivo, not dissipated. Massage because I had too many people, I accumulated a lot of experience, so we know how to use, simple and easy way. 你知道嗎!被我按摩的是,幸運和幸福的人。因為我的手,知道你身內靈體和身外肉體,靈體的毛病,病痛在那裡。所以經常是讓我按摩完的人,都會豎起姆指,說我按摩手藝很棒!但旁人在看,就會很緊張擔心!以為我會傷害到病人。事實上!我都會知道感應要用多少的力。太輕了,像蚊子按摩,那是好像好看,其實沒有多大作用。疼痛酸痛依然存在體內,沒有散發出去。因為我按摩過太多人了,我累積了太多的經驗,所以知道如何用,簡單容易的方法。