OMG! Rishabh Sinha Gets SEXUAL With Priya Malik On Bigg Boss 9?

Moviez Adda 2015-11-25

Views 32

Entry of Priya Malik on the show shocked the inmates of Big Boss house season 9. But this season is getting heat up with every next episode. The new luxury budget task has two teams one that has to collect milk and other has to stop it. And there is unexpected twist.

The limelight seeker Rishabh Sinha goes out of his way and is making sexual advances towards Priya Malik.This is unexpected twist. Priya is seen milking cow and Rishbh is in opposite team. He goes ahead and licks on Priya’s fingers in attempt to stop her from performing in the task. And that is what We call GROSS.

Is the Rishabh so hungry for TRP as naturaly Priya will not like this and lash out on Rishabh and create fuss as how Rishabh tries to get sexual with her. Will Priya Slap him and Rishabh will propose her?

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