Ish-shefi i ushtrisë turke, gjenerali Ilker Basbug dhe 63 persona te tjere jane denuar me burgim te përjetshëm, pasi akuzohen si pergjegjesit kryesor ne komplotin qe i është bere qeverise Erdogan rreth pese vjet me pare. Përfaqësuesi i larte i ushtrisë ishte mes 275 ushtarakeve, akademikeve e gazetareve te akuzuar per thurjen e këtij komploti, qe njihet me emrin "Ergenekon". Gjykata e Stambollit po i jep nje nga nje këto vendime. Krahas dënimeve, gjykata shpalli dhe 21 vete te pafajshëm. Ky proces po zhvillohet ne kushte te larta sigurie. Me herët, situata u tensionua ndjeshëm jashtë ambienteve te gjykatës. Policia përdori uje me preson ndaj personave te cilët rrezuan rrethimin me hekura. 275 te pandehurit akuzohen se jane pjese e një organizate terroriste, si dhe autoret qe thuren komplotin per rrëzimin e partisë per Drejtësi dhe Zhvillim dhe liderin e saj Rexhep Taip Erdogan. Ky proces, qe është cilësuar nga mediat si nje "gjueti shtrigash" e kryeministrit, ka nisur qe ne vitin 2008.
Former Turkish army chief, General Ilker Basbug and 63 other persons were sentenced to life imprisonment, because as the principal accused in the plot that Erdogan's government has made ??about five years ago. Senior military representative was among 275 military, academics and journalists accused of the plot knitting, which is known as "Ergenekon". Istanbul court is giving one by one these decisions. Besides sentencing, the court declared him innocent and 21. This process is conducted in conditions of high security. Earlier, the situation became tense significantly outside the court premises. Police used water with preson to persons who crashed siege to grate. 275 of the defendants accused of being part of a terrorist organization, as well as authors who knit plot to overthrow the Justice and Development Party and its leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan. This process, which is described by the media as a "witch hunt" the prime minister has launched since 2008.