Ashtu siç vendosi nje dite me pare, Kolegji Zgjedhor ka nisur rinumerimin e votave ne 15 kuti te qarkut te Kukesit. Kater grupe numerimi jane ngritur ne ambientet e brendshme te gjykates se Apelit, te cilat po shqyrtojne edhe njehere numrin e votave ne keto kuti, per te cilat Levizja Socialiste per Integrim pretendon se mbajne sasine e vlefshme, qe i japin asaj nje mandat ne kete qark.
As decided the day before, the Electoral College has launched recount of votes in 15 boxes of Kukes region. Four groups were set up counting the interior of the Court of Appeal, which is once again examine the number of votes in these boxes, for which the Socialist Movement for Integration claims to hold the quantity available, which give it a mandate in this circuit .