Ekspozita: Nudo si shenjë komoditeti - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-23

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Nudoja nuk eshte ndonje element i panjohur per studentet shqiptare te artit, por ja qe dy gjermane vendosen te ftojne edhe amatoret e pikturës ne projektin e tyre aspak konvencional ne Tirane. Keto jane Laila dhe Maria, dy studente berlineze qe erdhen ne Shqiperi para disa javesh dhe organizuan nje kurs kolektiv vizatimi. Imazhet e shkrepura dy jave me pare tregojnë sesi 7 te rinj shqiptare, u binden nga dy gjermanet qe te pozonin nudo per artistet. 5 prej tyre ishin meshkuj, 2 femra dhe per gjermanet misioni ishte: te qenit "komod" me trupin dhe seksualitetin tone. Edhe pse pohojne se e paten te veshtire t'i bindnin te rinjte shqiptare qe te pozonin nudo, gjermanet arriten ta finalizojnë projektin e tyre me realizimin e rreth 100 vizatimeve, si me karbon, akuarel apo pastel. 9 nudot me te mira per to jane ekspozuar kete te enjte e deri ne fund te muajit korrik ne qendren alternative kulturore "Tirana Expres".

Nude is not any unknown element for Albanian students of art, but it was decided to invite both German and amateurs of painting in their project at all conventional in Tirana. These are Laila and Mary, two students who came to Albania Berlin a few weeks ago and organized a collective drawing course. Images fired two weeks ago show how seven young Albanian, was persuaded by two Germans to pozonin nude for artists. 5 of them were males, 2 females and for Germans mission was: being "cozy" with the body and our sexuality. Even though he had to argue hard to convince the Albanian youth to pozonin nude, the Germans managed to finalize their project with the implementation of about 100 drawings, such as carbon, watercolor or pastel. 9 nude best for them are exposed to this Thursday until the end of July in the alternative cultural center "Tirana Express".

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