Shume vite pas rënies se diktaturës, nje prej protagonisteve te letrave shqip asokohe dhe ende sot, e ndjen se duhet te flas haptazi! Bardhyl Londo, poet e shkrimtar pritet te publikoje se shpejti këtë libër, i cili edhe pse ende i pabotuar ka ngjallur kersheri. Nen titullin "Jeta qe na dhane", Londo përmbledh kujtimet dhe refleksionet e tij dhe te brezit, ne çështje jo pak te nxehta sic ishte censura, autocenusra, gjyqet ndaj shkrimtareve apo heshtja. Duke folur per Vizion Plus, autori qe dikur ka qene edhe drejtues i ish Lidhjes se Shkrimtareve, tregon se pse iu desh kjo kohe e gjate per te folur përmes kujtimeve. Nje çështje e cila ne menyre te veçante ka bere dhe do te beje te flasë ne libër, është raporti me Ismail Kadarene, e konkretisht mbi sulmin ndaj tij ne periudhen e publikimit te "Pallatit te Endrrave". Londo shkruan e pohon, se ai nuk duhet te heshte asokohe. I pyetur nëse keto kujtime te cilat pritet te vijne ne nje libër voluminoz prej 300 faqesh, jane nje ndjese publike apo nje mesazh, qe diçka te ngjashme ta bejne edhe te tjerët, Londo rrëfen se kjo është personale per kedo qe vendos te tregoje te vërteten pa kompromise.
Many years after the fall of the dictatorship, one of the protagonists of the papers slip then and still today, feels that I need to speak openly! Baedhyl Londo, poet and writer soon expected to publish this book, which although not yet published has aroused curiosity. Under the title "Life they gave us," Londo summarizes his memories and reflections generation and, in no small issue was hot as censorship, autocenusra, trials or silence writers. Speaking of Vision Plus, the author who was once the leader of the former League of Writers, shows why it took a long time to talk through memories. One issue in particular that has made ??and will make in the book speak, is the relationship with Ismail Kadare, namely his attack on the period of publication of the "Palace of Dreams". Londo says the claims, it should not be silent then. Asked if these memories are expected to come to a voluminous book of 300 pages, are a public apology or a message, you do something similar to the others, tells Londo that it is personal for anyone who decides to tell the truth without compromise.