"Territore te vogla lirie" - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-23

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Kjo qe shihni eshte mikrobota e fshehur e Alush Shimes gjate viteve te komunizmit. Piktori ka nxjerre per here te pare para publikut disa nga veprat e tij te realizuara nga fillimi i viteve '60 e deri ne 1973-shin. Kur i sheh sot keto vepra, te duket e habitshme sesi ne Shqipërinë e artit soc-realist krijohej edhe kjo pikture me fryme kaq moderniste. Sic Shima shpjegon ato jo vetëm janë realizuar gjate nje periudhe te shkurtër lirie te artit vendas, por jane ruajtur nga piktori i njohur ne fshehtësi te plote, aq sa nje pjese e tyre, sic eshte kjo ketu nen titullin "Zonja vdekje", është dashur te copëtohet per tu bashkuar vetëm sot. Nen titullin "Territore te vogla lirie" ekspozita eshte kuruar nga dy kritike italiane. Njeri prej tyre, Arturo Calzona, rrefen pse keto vepra te Shimes jane endrra e Shqipërisë ndryshe. "Alushi është nje piktor, i cili ne ato vite ka punuar duke na propozuar nje Shqiperi krejt te kundërt nga ajo qe regjimi deshte ti tregonte botes. Kete ai e ka bere përmes gjuhës se ngjyrave e jo përmbajtjes se veprës. Kjo eshte arsyeja pse këto vepra jane aktuale. Alushi ka pikturuar endrren e nje Shqiperie ndryshe." Bashke me rendesine e te shkuares se ketyre 70 veprave, per Alush Shimen kjo ekspozite personale ka te beje edhe me nje rikthim. Piktori i ngjyrave, ose siç njihet ndryshe nder me te shiturit shqiptar, ka ekspozuar per here te fundit ne galerinë kombëtare ne vitin 1994. "Territore te Vogla lirie" do te qendroje e hapur deri me 27 Maj.

What you see is hidden micro-Alush Shima during the years of communism. The painter has revealed for the first time to the public some of his works derived from the early '60s until 1973 shin. When you see these works today, may seem surprising how we Albania socialist realist art and it created a spirit that modernist painting. As Shima explains not only are they accomplished during a brief period of freedom of local art, but are maintained by the painter known in complete secrecy, so much a part of them, as it is here under the title "Lady Death", had be broken only to join today. Under the title "small territories freedom" exhibition is curated by two Italian critical. One of them, Arturo calzone, tells why these deeds are the dream of Albania Shima otherwise. "KHUSHI is a painter, who in those years has been proposed by us quite a contrast from Albania what the regime wanted to show the world. This he has done through the language of colors rather than the content of the work. This is why these works are present. Alushi dream has painted a different Albania. "Together with the importance of the past that these 70 works for solo exhibition Alush him down this has to do with a return. The painter's colors, or otherwise known as among the Albanian sellers, has exhibited for the last time at the National Gallery in 1994. "Small Territories freedom" will remain open until May 27.

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