Mbikëqyrja e Shërbimeve Sekrete - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Komisioni i Ligjeve miratoi me kompromis projektligjin per Mbikëqyrjen parlamentare te Institucioneve Inteligjente.
Drafti mban firmën e deputetit demokrat Leonard Demi, i cili e mbrojti edhe ne komision. Socialistet ishin pro nismes, por Damian Gjiknuri tha se mbikëqyrja duhet shtrire edhe tek kontrolli i efikasitetit e jo vetem tek ligjshmëria e punes se tyre. Ndersa demokrati Gent Strazimiri propozoi perzgjedhjen me cilesore te anetareve te komisonit te Sigurise. Ne draft parashikohet ngritja e nje nenkomisioni me 5 anetare, 3 nga mazhoranca dhe 2 nga opozita. Kryesimi i takon minorances. Ky nenkomision do te mbikëqyre gjithe Institucionet Inteligjente ne vend.

The Law Commission approved the compromise bill for parliamentary oversight of Intelligent Institutions.
The draft bears the signature of the deputy Democrat Leonard Demi, who defended the commission. Socialists were in favor of the initiative, but Damian Gjiknuri said that supervision should be extended also to control the efficiency of not only the legitimacy of their work. While Democrat Gent Strazimiri proposed qualitative selection of the members of the committee of safety. In the draft, the establishment of a sub-committee with 5 members, 3 and 2 by the opposition majority. Chairing belongs to the minority. This subcommittee will oversee all Intelligent institutions in the country.

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