Peshkopi, nusja vret vjehrrën e vetedorezohet ne polici - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Nje ngjarje e rende ka ndodhur mengjesin e kesaj te premteje, ne nje fshat te Pershkopise. Mesohet se nusja ka vrare vjehrren dhe me pas e ka groposur ate.
Krimi ka ndodhur ne fshatin Luzni te Pershkopise, ku 67-vjeçarja Naime Skuta eshte goditur me mjete te forta nga nusja e shtepise, e cila mesohet se eshte ndihmuar edhe nga kunata e saj. Me vone ajo eshte vetedorezuar ne polici, ku edhe ka pranuar krimin. Ende nuk jane te qarta motivet e krimit, nderkohe qe policia po vijon hetimet per zbardhjen e ngjarjes.

A serious event occurred this morning premteje, in a countryside Pershkopise. Learned that the bride has killed mother-in-law and then buried it.
The crime took place in the village Luzni Pershkopise, where 67-year-old Naime corner is hit with strong tools from the daughter of the house, which taught that it is assisted by her sister-in-law. Later it is vetedorezuar the police, where he admitted the crime. Are not yet clear motive for the crime, while the police are following investigations whitening event.

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