Nga viti 2006 deri ne 2011, 108 persona kane humbur jetën si pasoje e krimit brenda familjes. Statistikat tregojnë se kurba e këtij lloj krimi vazhdon te rritet pavarësisht ndryshimeve ne kod për këto vepra penale. Një nga ish-drejtuesit e policisë, Sofokli Duka, thotë arsyet janë te shumtat por kryesorja mbetet situata ekonomike. Por sipas sociologeve krahas problemeve sociale shkak per krimin brenda familjes është edhe mbajtja e armeve pa leje. Sipas eksperteve policia nuk ka bere sa duhet per te parandaluar kete dukuri ne rritje, pasi ne te shumen e rasteve ka patur denoncim paraprak ne polici. Numrin me ta madh te viktimave nga krimi ne familje e zëne gratë por shifra ne rritje njohin edhe fëmijët.
From 2006 through 2011, 108 people have lost their lives as a result of crime within the family. Statistics show that the curve of this type of crime continues to grow despite changes in the code for these offenses. A former police executives, Sophocles Duke, says the reasons are many but the most important economic situation remains. But according to sociologists in addition to social problems because of crime within the family is holding illegal weapons. According to experts, the police did not do enough to prevent this growing phenomenon, as in the amount of cases had previous denunciation to the police. Large number of victims of crime violence are women but the figure we recognize the growing children.