Lezhë, ekzekutohet 26-vjeçari - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Nje tjeter krim i rende u shenua ne Lezhe ku nje i ri mbeti i vrare me arme.
Viktima eshte 26-vjeçari Martin Shtjefni nga Lezha qe sipas policisë, rezulton te jete ekzekutuar me breshëri plumbash rreth orës 02:00 te mëngjesit te se enjtes. Ngjarja u shenua pranë vendit te quajtur "Kryqezimi i Shenkollit'' ne nje lokal qe ndodhet ne superstradën Lezh-Laç. Policia ka mbërritur ne vendngjarje, por nuk ka mundur te arrestoje autorin e krimit. Sipas uniformave blu autori eshte identifikuar dhe eshte nje i ri 26-vjeçar, por emri nuk behet i ditur per arsye hetimi pasi dyshohet ne ai ka patur edhe bashkëpunëtore. Nje nder emrat e dyshuar deri ne keto komente eshte ai i Mariglen Pergjinit, por ende nuk ka te dhena konkrete lidhur me rolin e tij ne kete krim. Nga hetimet rezulton se vrasja ka ndodhur gjate nje konflikti te çastit, rrethanat e te cilit mbeten ende te paqarta. Por policia e Lezhës po heton per ndonjë konflikt te hershem mes autorit dhe viktimës.

Another serious crime was recorded in Copenhagen, where a young man was killed with guns. The victim is 26-year-old Martin Stephen Lezha that according to police, turns out to be executed with a hail of bullets at about 02:00 am Thursday. The event was marked at the place called "intersection Shenkollit'' in a local in the Motorway Copenhagen-Lac. Police arrived at the scene, but was unable to arrest the perpetrator. According to the author is identified and blue uniforms is a young 26-year-old, but the name is not disclosed because the investigation as he had suspected accomplice. One of the names of suspects until these comments is he Pergjini mariglen, but still no concrete data about his role in this crime. The investigations show that the murder took place during a current conflict, the circumstances of which remain unclear. But Lezha police are investigating an early conflict between perpetrator and victim.

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