Fier, punohet toka me lista - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Deri tani kemi pare lista borxhesh ne dyqane ushqimore, por se fundmi ne Myzeqe ato i gjen edhe tek pronaret e mjeteve bujqesore.
Ne pamundesi ekonomike per te perballuar rritjen e kostos per punimet e stines, fermeret e kesaj zone kane hyre ne borxhe per te mos e lene token djerre. Ndersa shlyerjen e parashikojne pas vjeljes se prodhimit. Pronaret e mjeteve bujqesore tregojne se kane rritur koston e punimit dhe mbjelljes te tokes me afro 5 mije leke te reja per nje dynym, te kushtezuar nga çmimi i karburanteve. Ne qarkun e Fierit jane rreth 120 mije hektare toke bujqesore, por sipas statistikave rreth 30% e kesaj siperfaqeje vitet e fundit lihet djerre.

So far we have seen the list of debt in grocery stores, but recently we Myzeqe they find to owners of agricultural tools.
Economic unable to cope with rising costs for the proceedings of the season, farmers in this area have entered into debt for not leaving the barren land. While foresee repayment after harvest production. Agricultural vehicle owners indicate that they have increased the cost of operation and planting of land with about 5 thousand lek new for a dynym, conditional on the price of fuel. We Fier region are about 120 thousand hectares of agricultural land, but according to statistics about 30% of this area in recent years left fallow.

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