Bllokohet per ore te tera rruga nacionale Librazhd -Elbasan. Masive dherash dhe guresh kane rene nga zona kodrinore, ne afërsi te ktheses se Murashit, duke mbuluar plotësisht nje segment te rruges. Rrëshqitja ka ndodhur ne oret e para te mëngjesit dhe per fat te mire nuk ka shkaktuar deme ne mjete apo lendime ne njerëz. Deri ne oren 8:00 te mengjesit te se shtunes, aksi Librazhd-Elbasan ishte bllokuar ndersa vargu i makinave qe prisnin arriti ne disa kilometër. Me shume se 2 ore u eshte dashur drejtuesve te mjeteve te qendrojne ne kete pjese te rruges ku per shkak te terrenit te veshtire ka qene e pamundur kthimi i tyre. Pas ndërhyrjes se policisë dhe punonjësve te mirëmbajtjes masivet shkëmborë munden te largoheshin vetem nga nje pjese e rruges dhe aktualisht eshte ne funksion vetem njeri krah i aksit nacional. Nga specialistet po shihet mundesia e stimulimit te pjeses kodrinore per heqjen e te tjere gurëve dhe dherave qe rrezikojne te bien ne kete pjese te rruges nacionale.
Blocked for hours Librazhd national road-Elbasan. Mass of dirt and stones fell from hilly areas, close to turning that dun, completely covering a segment of the road. Landslide occurred in the early hours of the morning and luckily did not cause damages to vehicles or injury to people. So at 8:00 in the morning Saturday, Librazhd axis-Elbasan was blocked while waiting car verse reached a few kilometer. More than 2 hours have had drivers to stay in this part of the road where due to difficult terrain was impossible their return. After police intervention and maintenance employees rocky massif can be removed only by a section of the road and is currently only one national axis arm function. By experts is the possibility of stimulation of the hilly part to remove other rocks and soils at risk of falling in this part of the national road.