Apeli dënon Saimir Tahirin - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Nga 1 milionë leke te reja është shuma qe deputeti i partisë Socialiste Saimir Tahiri duhet t'u paguaje secilit prej dy fëmijëve te kryeministrit Argita e Shkelzen Berisha.
Vendimi u mor nga gjykata e Apelit, e cila la ne fuqi vendimin e shkalles se pare per denimin e deputetit , per akuzën e shpifjes duke ulur vetem vleren e dëmshpërblimit per te cilin gjykata e Tiranës kishte vendosur te ishte ne 2.5 milione leke per secilin nga paditësit. I pranishëm ne gjykate ishte edhe vete Tahiri, i cili deklaroi se vendimi per te ishte i pritshëm ndërsa do te vazhdoje betejën ne gjykatën e Larte. Shkak per padine eshte bere nje deklarate e Tahirit ne nje emision televiziv, ku u shpreh se femijet e kryeministrit se jane te korruptuar. Menjëherë pas kesaj deklarate Argita dhe Shkelzen Berisha iu drejtuan shkalles se pare te kryeqytet ku kërkonin dënimin e Tahirit per shpifje, si dhe gjobitjen e tij me nga 4 milion leke për secilin për demin e shkaktuar.

From 1 million leke new is the amount that the Socialist party deputy Saimir Tahiri must pay each of the two children of Mr Argita Shkelzen Berisha.
The decision was taken by the Court of Appeal, which upheld the first instance sentence of MP, on charges of defamation by reducing only the value of the damages for which the court of Tirana decided was at 2.5 million for each of the plaintiff. Present in court was itself Tahiri, who stated that the decision was expected and will continue the battle to the High Court. The reason for the lawsuit is making a statement of Tahir in a TV program, where the prime minister said that children that are corrupt. Immediately after this statement Argita and Shkëlzen Berisha addressed the first instance where the capital sought Tahir sentence for defamation, and his fine of 4 million each for the damage caused.

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