Opozita e ka votuar kundër projektbuxhetin e vitit 2013 ne parim, pas shqyrtimit ne komisionin e Ligjeve. Socialisti Bashkim Fino tha se ky buxhet nuk eshte veçse nje grope e zeze, qe do t'i trashëgohet qeverise se re qe del nga zgjedhjet e qershorit te ardhshëm. Megjithëse nuk përfshihet ne ligjin aktual per buxhetin, qeveria pritet te dërgojë shume shpejt ne Kuvend paketën e re fiskale, qe ri-merr kompetencën per te mbledhur taksat e biznesit te vogël, prej njësive lokale. Drejtoresha e buxhetit ne ministrinë e Financave tha se nuk ishte ne dijeni te faktit, nese qeveria e kishte konsultuar me FMN apo BB, tejkalimin e borxhit prej 60 %, por ajo shtoi se gjithçka po behet per t'u përballur me skenarë negative nese largohet CEZ.
The opposition voted against the draft of 2013 in principle, after reviewing the Law Commission. Socialist Union Fino said that this budget is not only a black hole, which will inherit the new government that emerges from the elections in June next year. Although not included in the current law on the budget, the government is expected to submit to the Assembly soon new fiscal package, which re-takes power to collect taxes on small business, local units. Budget Director at the Ministry of Finance said he was not aware of the fact, if the government had consulted with the IMF or the World Bank, debt exceeding 60%, but it added that everything is being done to deal with negative scenarios if removed CEZ.