Ne vazhdën e takimeve për 100-vjetorin e pavarësisë, kryeministri i vendit Sali Berisha ka shfrytëzuar një forum te sektorit te TIK, për te treguar historinë me kompjuterin e tij te pare.
Kreu i ekzekutivit ka rrëfyer se ne ato kohe kompjuteri dyshohej si një mjet spiunazhi dhe pasi ai kishte blere nje te tille, byroja politike ka reaguar menjëherë. Sipas Berishës alibia e vetme, qe e nxori nga ajo situate, ishte krahasimi me Sokol Hoxhen, te birin e diktatorit. Gjate forumit Berisha pohoi se penetrimi ne internet është rritur ne këtë 5-vjeçar nga 4.8% deri ne 60%, ndërsa përdorimi i telefonisë mobile ne 186%.
In a series of meetings for the 100th anniversary of independence, the country's Prime Minister Sali Berisha has used a forum ICT sector, to tell the story with his first computer.
Executive head has confessed that at that time the computer was suspected as a spy tool and after he had bought one, political bureau reacted immediately. According to Berisha only alibi, which brought them out of that situation was compared with Sokol Hoxha, the dictator's son. During the forum Berisha said that internet penetration is increasing in this 5-year from 4.8% to 60%, while mobile phone use in 186%.