Nje breshëri automatiku fare pranë universitetit "Luigj Gurakuqi" ne Shkoder, ka tronditur njerëzit e shumte qe ndodheshin ne këtë zone. Persona ende te paidentifikuar, kane qëlluar me 15 plumba mbi 3 tre banore, dy prej te cilëve kalimtare te rastit. Policia dyshon qe objektivi i sulmit te kete qene 24-vjeçari Aleksandër Qarri, i cili po lëvizte ne këmbë pranë universitetit. I riu nga Shkodra, kishte pësuar vdekje klinike, kur shkoi ne spital, dhe me vone nuk dha me shenja jete. Ndërsa dy personat e tjerë, te plagosur aksidentalisht, Lek Marku 37 vjeç dhe studenti Agustin Begeja, jane jashtë rrezikut per jetën. Policia ka nisur hetimet per zbardhjen e ngjarjes dhe identifikimin e autoreve. Sipas rrëfimeve te dëshmitarëve okulare dyshohet qe autoret e ngjarjes te jene dy persona. Njeri prej tyre ka qene me biçiklete, kur i eshte afruar 24- vjeçarit dhe me pas ka zbrazur 15 plumba ne drejtim te tij. Ne vendin e ngjarjes policia ka gjetur dhe sekuestruar 15 gëzhoja automatiku dhe nje çante te braktisur dhe brenda saj ishte dhe arma e krimit. Ende nuk dihen shkaqet e ngjarjes, ndersa vijojnë hetimet për zbardhjen dhe gjetjen e autoreve.
A machine gun bursts at the university "Louis the Gurakuqi" in Shkoder, has shocked many people were in the area. People still unidentified, had fired 15 bullets on 3 three people, two of whom bystanders. Police suspect that the target of the attack may have been 24-year-old Alexander Qarri, who was moving on foot near the university. The young man from Shkodra, had suffered clinical death, when he went to the hospital, and later gave no signs of life. While two other persons injured accidentally, JA Mark 37 years old and a student Agustin Begeja, are out of danger for life. Police have launched an investigation to clarify the incident and identify authors. According to eyewitness accounts that suspected perpetrators of the event to be two people. One of them was by bicycle, when he was approaching 24-year-old and then emptied 15 bullets in his direction. In the scene police found and seized 15 automatic shells and an abandoned bag and inside it was the weapon of the crime. Not yet known causes of the event, and following investigations to uncover and finding authors.