Homazhe në institut për Bejkon - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Pas me shume se tre ore debatesh me ish te përndjekurit politike, drejtuesit e institutit kane pranuar te hapin dyert e homazheve per Lirak Bejkon, qe u vetëdogj gjate grevës se urisë. Ato do te zhvillohen ditën e mërkurë nga ora 11:00 deri ne 13:00 ne hollin e institutit te te përndjekurve politike.
Por, drejtori i institutit ka refuzuar te pranoje ne ceremoni çdo përfaqësues partie qe sipas tij do te politizonte nderimin. Vete ish te përndjekurit kane ftuar çdo personalitet, duke nisur nga kreu i shtetit te marre pjese ne homazhet e te mërkurës, duke theksuar se kane angazhuar me dhjetëra persona, per te evituar incidentet. Trupi i pajete i Lirak Bejkos, pritet te vije te martën rreth ores 9:00 ne portin e Durrësit. Ai do te shoqërohet nga bashkëvuajtësit deri ne familje, ku do te qëndrojë per 24 ore. Me pas te mërkurën, do te vendoset ne holl, per t'ju bere homazhet. Ato do te jene te heshtura pa fjalime. Ish te përndjekurit po tentojnë edhe sjelljen e çadrës, ku u zhvilluar 31 dite greva e urise ne mënyrë simbolike ne sheshin e institutit te te përndjekurve. Lirak Bejko i vuri flaken vetes me 10 tetor, pas aktit te ngjashëm te Gjergj Ndreces, por edhe pse u dergua per kurim ne nje spital ne Itali humbi jeten te premten e shkuar nga komplikacionet shëndetësore.

After more than three hours of debate with former political persecuted, institute leaders have agreed to open their doors for Lirak homage Bacon, which was vetëdogj during the hunger strike. They will be held on Wednesday from 11:00 until 13:00 in the lobby of the institute of political prisoners.But the director of the institute has refused to accept any representative ceremony in his party will politizonte honor. Himself persecuted have invited every personality, starting from the head of state to participate in the homage of Wednesday, noting that they have engaged with dozens of people, to avoid incidents. Lifeless body of Lirak Bejkos, expected to come on Tuesday around 9:00 in the port of Durres. He will be accompanied by fellow up families, where they will stay for 24 hours. Later Wednesday, will be located in the lobby, to let you homage. They will be silent no speeches. Persecuted are trying the behavior of the tent, where he developed 31 day hunger strike in a symbolic way to institute Square persecuted. Lirak Bejko burnt himself on 10 October, after the act similar to George Ndreces, but even though he was sent for treatment in a hospital in Italy died last Friday from health complications.

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